Wednesday, 29 April 2015

My Story - Pre-Holiday 2015


Cerita kali ni ialah mengenai persiapan untuk kami pergi bercuti.......and it's gonna be around 3 weeks holiday!!!

This trip is in our list for holiday, but we did not expect it to be 'on' this fast! - get what i mean?
We have been talking about this trip since 2 years ago, and suddently we decided to go for it 2 months ago.

I was like....are we sure??? and majority said -YES! and there goes the starting of 'googleing', asking, and communicating.

Little bit about this trip:
Nama Program : Program Jalan-Jalan Keluarga ARBY Tahun 2015 (KUL/DOH/LHR/DOH/KUL)
Tempat : The UK
Tarikh : 20th July to 4th August 2015 
This trip will involve 7 adults and 9 children in Malaysia and 2 adults (my sister and hubby) in the UK.

That is why the question of "are we sure" came out :)

Anyway, I, as the program planner (itinerary master) of the family trips started the job immediately (sementara tak busy dengan keje di opis la time tu).  From flight tickets to accommodation to transport rentals/public to places of interest to makan/minum.

We had our meeting and continuous Whatsapp among our family members on this trip.  So far, the places of interest is well listed and most of it is in the list.

Flight tickets is an easy one, but the payment is...ehemm ehemm... agak mahal bila SEMUA join. However, we are so very grateful to have a no-interest money lander to help us on the budget side...thank you Mak :)

So, we got the tickets! Kira sebelah kaki dah sampai dahhhh...

The accommodation pula, sangat2 save sebab most of the time akan tido di rumah my sister kat Warwick je :)  Cuma di Manchester dan London sahaja kena cari.  Itu pun jenuh dan masih mencari yang sesuai.

Transportation untuk ke sana, ke sini setakat hari ni masih belum confirm nak guna yang mana sebab kena finalised itinerary dulu.

Yang stress nye buat itinerary la...especially with limited budget and TRAVEL WITH SMALL KIDS :)
Bila travel with small kids ni, like I have mentioned before in my previous "My Story", a lot of things we need to be clear of.
Tapi tak pe...yang penting ialah THE EXPERIENCE. Hopefully with various experiences exposed to them, they will be able to adapt to various environments along the way.

For me, personally, it will be my 4th time to the UK and feel excited to bring along my family especially my Hubby (who still cannot believe himself that we really is going) and my 4 kids (all age 8 and under).  It is not their first time to go on flight, but first time to fly long haul (13hrs +).  Hope they are ok :)

It looks like the itinerary is almost final, but yet a lot to be done and finalised. Huhuhuhuhu...

Ok, keje di ofis sekarang makin banyak...jadi masa untuk personal things terbatas.
Hope we could pull this trip off with great success and above all full of satisfaction.

Love & Respect;

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