Thursday, 15 May 2014

My Story - Travelling with small kids :)

Salam Everyone :)

I love to travel, and so do my hubby kids :D

I have come across many who asked me, with 3 child and 1 infant, "how did I do it???"
For me, it is easy......there is always ways to do it!  When there is a will, there is a way :D

I thank Allah for giving me and hubby the chance to travel with my kids from the start of our marriage until now.  We try to have the gateaway at least once a year and so far, we managed to pull it off successfully! Yeay!!!

Here's the thing..... I am always nervous on counting the days for us to travel - always!  All the questions in my head starts coming in and at the same time my brain is storing all the answers!

Travelling with kids definitely need to have the action plan and check list - let it be in your head or on written note.

My simple tips on travelling with small kids are :

1.  Plan your trip - the mode of transportation, the accommodation, meals, the whether, things to do and places to go.  You HAVE TO book everything that can be book ahead!  We prefer travelling on the quickest mode because children get restless/board pretty quick! And usually I choose to travel at about their nap or bed time :p

2.  Come up with your itinerary - the kids will love this!  My kids are still all age of 7 and below, so, the itinerary is shared with my hubby.  But,  we will brief them (the kids) on what will happen during our trip and this also help them to behave well through out the trip :)

3.  Pack accordingly.  With kids, extra 1 or 2 pairs is sufficient.  If they are short of things to wear, just have a quick wash (usually I will bring cloths that are quick-dry type of material) and can wear it again.  Can just pair it with different top or bottom.

4.  Always bring their medicine - for fever, cold and cough. Cool fever helps a lot!

5.  For hand carry bag, papa will bring the day-backpack (thermos, mineral water, milk powder, pempers, a pair of clothes and wet tissue... and some stand-by toys)  For mama, a sling bag with all the related travelling documents - and that is it!  I have 4 handful children to look after (the running, the jumping, the stop-over at shops, the viewing moments and not to mention the dramas!), so, a good sling bag is sufficient :)

6.  I do bring my strollers everywhere I go.  It doesn't hurt to bring it, it helps a lot.

7.  Get the bottled-milk ready.

8.  If you can, feed the little ones before we go anywhere/start the journey - before boarding the plane, ferry, train, bus - so they won't be asking for 'food' the second they are on their seats.

9.  When the day/time came, follow though your plan.  If it is not on your plan, just chill...after all, the aim is to spend time together.

Most important thing, STOP worrying and just go with the flow! Have fun and enjoy your precious time with your love ones :D

It works for me and hubby and hope these helps mama/papa/mommy/daddy/mak/ayah here and there out there.

* Family of 3 *

* Family of 4 *


* Family of 5 *

* Family of 6 *





There.....memories lasts forever <3

Take your time off!!!
For me, it snap me when I realised the time I spent with my kids (awake time, minus the normal bed time) are only 3 to 4 hours top on weekdays (9 to 10pm is our bed time - no more.  I am pretty strict on this because kids need enough rest and we are the one who teach them - not the other way round).

Love & Respect

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