Wednesday, 12 February 2014

My Story - My Motivation



I am a Proud Mama to my children!
No matter what they do (as long as it is on the right track), I WILL and ALWAYS support them.

My 1st born

When my child did a 'concert' of his own in the middle of school yard - and everybody is looking at him - I KNOW he is in the right path to become a great leader! He is able to VOICE OUT how he feels in front of everybody he doesn't know..... and how many kids can do THAT?!

You are so special that everybody need to really listen to you and learn from you for what and how you is AMAZING!  You made me realised that everybody has equal opportunity to be what they want to become.

Above all what Allah grant, you, my child, have created a huge perspective in me on becoming a Mama. A Mama who is being able to feel what other people feel especially those who are on the same story as I am in.
You have made me learned how to be more patient, sensitive and all that involve feelings.

Don't be shy my young man, because I'm not!  I am A Proud Mama to this young man!

My 2nd born

This child of mine thought me how to keep up with the fantasy world and be more relax!

There are a million things to explore than meet the eyes and it is AMAZING!  The fact that you have grown (and growing) perfectly, you will still turn around and affirm confirmation by your roots... I LOVE the respect you gave!

You are very powerful with your sense of bonding that sometime I myself missed it!  The ability to focus and feel is your strongest point which I am learning a lot from you.  With your sensitive little heart, you were able to reach me deep.

The action that you showed, showed me different ways of living and coping with my life with the ones I love!

Don't be afraid my young man, because I will always be there!  I am A Proud Mama to this young man!

My 3rd born

You, my child is naturally a blessing!  The look on your face took away all my tiredness, my problems and replaced it with love and affection.  That shows how strong you are!

You made me wonder what are the things did I missed while you with your innocent self is enjoying your life as it is.

I know you are trying to catch up with the rules of the world that seems very far away and sometimes unfair, but you are very much ahead with values of life.  AMAZINGLY you did not care less of what people expect from you because you will do when you are ready to do it!

Don't worry my young man, because I know you know!  I am A Proud Mama to this young man!

My 4th born

Your arrival in the family has been a celebration.  You brought all the pictures in life beautifully.

Gracefully, you bring yourself from a level to a level unexpectedly.  Being able to walk freely pretty quick made me thinking am I ready to be looked upon to? Happily enjoying your life everyday, gave me the confidence that you will be somebody who is full of respect to others and especially to yourself.

Keeping up with your siblings has been an exciting moments to see and experience.  I can see the very strong and determined person you are! AMAZING!

Don't rush my young lady, because I am not going anywhere!  I am A Proud Mama to this young lady!

Just remember dears, that I cannot promise you your life will be an easy one, but I am pretty sure it would not be a smooth journey.  It is really up to you on who you want to become and be what you want to be.

Please keep in mind Allah always know our strengths and capabilities..that is why He is testing you..
Do believe Allah will help you (when asks) to get through the obstacles... Amin...

Love your life and respect others :)

Love & Respect
-farah- a.k.a Mama

Tak semua orang tahu apa yang kita tanggung..dan kalau tahu pun, tak semua FAHAM apa yang kita tanggung.. kesimpulannya, lebih baik tak payah tahu daripada tahu, tapi melemahkan semangat orang yang menanggung..

"Memang mudah utk menilai dan memperkatakan sesuatu, tapi amat sukar utk melaluinya.Tidak ramai org yg mampu bertahan disebalik musibah yg terjadi. Ada yg berputus asa .Ada juga yg sebaliknya.

Sabar adalah senjatanya. Ketika musibah semakin memuncak, seharusnya semakin kuat kita bersabar.Sabar ketika melaluinya dan sabar ketika ingin bangkit daripadanya.Yakinlah bahawa pertolongan Allah itu dekat.Malah Allah tidak akan mensia siakan kesabaran org yg beriman dlm menghadapi sebarang ujian.."

- Petikan kata2 UKE didalam buku TUHAN SEDANG MENGUJI KITA -

*more of My Story, please click the Label/Catalogue on the right side*

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for all who have read this post...bless you all..<3
